Sutra 1.3, or how to change the world
tada darstuh svarupe avasthanam – “then the seer dwells in his own nature” After telling us the purpose of Yoga (to control the fluctuations of the mind) Patanjali explains the reasons. Why would I try not to cling to those voluptuous clouds, lightly surrounding and seducing me at every moment? On the other hand, how many […]
Sutra 1.2, step one: calm your mind
yogas chitta vritti nirodha – “Yoga is the removal of the fluctuations of the mind” The first text to define and enunciate Yoga as a philosophical doctrine is more than 2,000 years old and is attributed to an Indian sage, philosopher, physicist and grammarian named Patanjali. The Yoga Sutras are 196 aphorisms that count […]
Sutra 1.1, the beginning
atha yoganusasanam – “Now, instructions in yoga begin” Today, as I remove my shoes and socks and place my feet on the mat, I firmly plant in the ground my commitment to work with no attachments or expectations, to share from the heart, to aspire to quality, to continue nourishing myself, to communicate without fear, to […]